Tuesday 27 November 2012

Day 25

The weekend! We had a very slow start due to JM’s gig last night. We finally got to the house around lunchtime then we left James with the dog while we took Shabana and Callum to pick paint colours. They both wanted very bright colours but we managed to tone down the choices to something acceptable. A quick stop at Canadian Tire for a saw and new reciprocating saw blades, a visit to the local library ( just 3km away) then back to attack the wallpaper.
 JM and I had a fun time discovering history on the walls while the boys chopped down another tree sized shrub. The signatures hidden behind the wallpaper dated back to 1906! How spectacular! We snapped photos since we’re going to be painting and the writing will never be seen again.



 The boys enjoyed removing the shrub, boys with their toys eh? It had to come out, JM had named it the poo tree since it was located right next to the septic tank. Another plant in the wrong place. Another quick bonfire then we headed home. A very productive day.

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