I took the morning off to plan kitchen layouts and get ideas
for finishes with JM since it was his day off. It’s always nice to dream of
these things even though it will be a few years off before we get to the
kitchen. JM headed to Cambridge and I went up to ‘The House’. I had an
appointment to have a guy clean the heating ducts and he called to say he’d be
an hour late(3pm instead of 2pm)…no sweat. I had dug up a few favourite plants
from my garden in Ayr so my first job was digging over a raised bed and
transplanting those. I hope they survive, it was fluffing it down with snow
when I got there, the house looks so pretty in the snow! I tackled a bit more
scrubbing in the office, I can only tolerate about an hour at a time, then
decided it was about time I clean the kitchen. At this point it was 4pm and the
duct guy was already two hours later than originally planned and an hour later
than he’d said, grrrr! My phone was about to die so I gave him a call…another
45 minutes to an hour! There go my plans to pick up the kids, make dinner,
etc,etc. The kitchen cupboards got a deep down clean, yes there was evidence of
mice in some places, yuck! They will not be welcome in my kitchen, that’s for
sure! The guy finally arrived around 5pm, had a quick look, yes the ducts need
cleaning but he can’t get his truck up to the house and the mobile machine (not
on the truck) is fully booked until January! What a waste of time. I need to
learn to be more patient I guess… headed home tired and frustrated.